
Ton To Ounce Conversion Chart

Ton (tonne) Ounce (oz)
0.01 tonne352.7396195 oz
0.1 tonne3527.396195 oz
1 tonne35273.96195 oz
2 tonne70547.9239 oz
5 tonne176369.80975 oz
10 tonne352739.6195 oz
20 tonne705479.239 oz
50 tonne1763698.0975 oz
100 tonne3527396.195 oz
500 tonne17636980.974999998 oz
1000 tonne35273961.949999996 oz

Convert from ton to ounce formula

Total ounce = Total ton x 35273.96195

For example, if you want to convert 25 Ton to Ounce then,

25 tonne = 25 x 35273.96195 = 881849.04875 oz

Convert from ounce to ton formula

Total ton =
Total ounce
881849.04875 oz
= 25 tonne

Metric Ton

The tonne is a metric unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms. It is commonly referred to as a metric ton in the United States. It is equivalent to approximately 2,204.6 pounds. The term derives from tun, denoting a large barrel used in the wine trade and named from the French tonnerre, or “thunder,” in turn named for the rumbling it produced.


A unit of weight of one sixteenth of a pound avoirdupois (approximately 28 grams). The ounce is still a standard unit in the United States. In the United Kingdom it ceased to be a legal unit of measure in 2000, but is still in general usage on an informal basis.