
Nanometer To Foot Conversion Chart

Nanometer (nm) Foot (ft)
0.01 nm3.2808398950131233e-11 ft
0.1 nm3.2808398950131236e-10 ft
1 nm3.2808398950131233e-9 ft
2 nm6.5616797900262466e-9 ft
5 nm1.6404199475065618e-8 ft
10 nm3.2808398950131236e-8 ft
20 nm6.561679790026247e-8 ft
50 nm1.6404199475065617e-7 ft
100 nm3.2808398950131235e-7 ft
500 nm0.0000016404199475065617 ft
1000 nm0.0000032808398950131235 ft

Convert from nanometer to foot formula

Total foot =
Total nanometer

For example, if you want to convert 1500000 nanometer to foot then,

= 0.004921259842519685 ft

Convert from foot to nanometer formula

Total nanometer = Total foot x 304800000

0.004921259842519685 ft = 0.004921259842519685 x 304800000 = 1500000 nm


A nanometer (also "nanometre") is a unit of measurement used to measure length. One nanometer is one billionth of a meter, so nanometers are certainly not used to measure long distances. Instead, they serve to measure extremely small objects, such as atomic structures or transistors found in modern CPUs.


The foot (pl. feet), abbreviation and IEEE standard symbol: ft, is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. Since the International Yard and Pound Agreement of 1959, one foot is defined as 0.3048 meters exactly. In customary and imperial units, one foot comprises 12 inches and one yard comprises three feet.