
Micrometer To Decimeter Conversion Chart

Micrometer (μm) Decimeter (dm)
0.01 μm-273.14 dm
0.1 μm-273.04999999999995 dm
1 μm-272.15 dm
2 μm-271.15 dm
5 μm-268.15 dm
10 μm-263.15 dm
20 μm-253.14999999999998 dm
50 μm-223.14999999999998 dm
100 μm-173.14999999999998 dm
500 μm226.85000000000002 dm
1000 μm726.85 dm


The micrometre also commonly known as a micron, is an SI derived unit of length equalling 1×10−6 metre. The micrometre is a common unit of measurement for wavelengths of infrared radiation as well as sizes of biological cells and bacteria, and for grading wool by the diameter of the fibres.


The decimetre (SI symbol dm) is a unit of length in the metric system. The term “Deci” means one-tenth, and therefore decimetre means one-tenth of a meter.