Microsecond to Hour Conversion (Convert μs to h)
To convert from microsecond to hour (μs to h), please enter value for microsecond in from input box. You can also convert from hour to microsecond (h to μs)
Microsecond To Hour Conversion Chart
Microsecond (μs) | Hour (h) |
1 μs | 2.7777777777777777e-10 h |
2 μs | 5.555555555555555e-10 h |
5 μs | 1.388888888888889e-9 h |
10 μs | 2.777777777777778e-9 h |
20 μs | 5.555555555555556e-9 h |
40 μs | 1.1111111111111112e-8 h |
80 μs | 2.2222222222222224e-8 h |
160 μs | 4.444444444444445e-8 h |
320 μs | 8.88888888888889e-8 h |
640 μs | 1.777777777777778e-7 h |
1280 μs | 3.555555555555556e-7 h |
2560 μs | 7.111111111111112e-7 h |
A microsecond (symbol: μs) is an SI unit of time equal to one millionth of second. A microsecond is equal to 1000 nanoseconds. Time units ranging between 10−5 and 10−4 seconds are typically expressed as tens or hundreds of microseconds.
An hour (symbol: h) is a unit of time usually equal 60 minutes. The time of day is typically expressed in English in terms of hours. Whole hours on a 12-hour clock are expressed using the contracted phrase o'clock, from the older of clock.