Kelvin to Réaumur Conversion (Convert k to °re)
To convert from kelvin to réaumur (k to °re), please enter value for kelvin in from input box. You can also convert from réaumur to kelvin (°re to k)
Kelvin To Réaumur Conversion Chart
Kelvin (k) | Réaumur (°re) |
0 k | -218.51999999999998 °re |
10 k | -210.51999999999998 °re |
20 k | -202.51999999999998 °re |
30 k | -194.51999999999998 °re |
40 k | -186.51999999999998 °re |
50 k | -178.51999999999998 °re |
100 k | -138.51999999999998 °re |
500 k | 181.48000000000002 °re |
100 k | -138.51999999999998 °re |
Kelvin Scale
Kelvin is the unit of measure for temperature adopted by the International System of Units. Absolute zero is 0 K, equivalent to -273.15 °C. Kelvin uses the same interval as Celsius. The Kelvin scale is named after Baron Kelvin of Largs, who described the need for an absolute thermometric scale in his paper "On an Absolute Thermometric Scale".
Réaumur Scale
The Réaumur scale, named after René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur places water freezing point at 0 °Ré and water boiling point at 80 °Ré.